Two different ways of getting the cheaters ip will be explained here.
One is by using Gamespy 3D and one with Winhex .
They are both for the integrated server.
Gamespy 3D instruction
First download Gamespy 3D (1.5mb) and install .
Then when a cheater enters and starts cheating .
Tab + Alt out to windows, check in gamespy 3d for the cheaters name.
Check his "user id" in this case lets say its id 1, then go to your turok 2 directory.
And open the file called "RT_Logsrv.txt". Then check the ip second from the bottom and there it is!
Because the ip that last connected is always id 0, and the one who connected before him is id 1 etc.
So if it would have been id 2, then it would have been the ip that has 2 persons connected after himself.
Put the ip into Zonealarm and the cheater will get booted and blocked from your server.
Winhex instruction
First download Winhex (520kb) and install it .
And then when a cheater enters your server and starts cheating.
Check his name, e.g Killer. Then Tab + Alt out to windows.
Start Winhex, choose tools then Ram editor.
Pick Turok2Mp.exe and Entire memory.
Press Ctrl + F, and enter the name of the cheater in this case Killer.
Then press F3 until u find the ip number beside his name.
Put the ip into Zonealarm and the cheater will get booted and blocked from your server.
---Press F7 if u only want to view text in Winhex---
Personally i recommend the Winhex method. - Easy and accurate.
In both of the abovestanding : If the cheater enters again even though u have him blocked ,
then he has a connection which gives him a new ip everytime he restarts his connection .
Then you just have to get his ip again, and put in a ip range and it will be impossible
for him to join your server ever again from that isp !
How to make a ip range:
If he had the first time and the second.
Then just add the ip range - .
And u will never have to see him in your server again .